******** Therapy
Is not doin drugs workin fer yew?
Look at ya. I would say no.
Maybe it’s time to start doin em. What do ya say?
. B l i n d N o o n .
Blind Noon will blind you with bliss. Every day. Right about noon.
What you do is pop this sucker into your bloodstream around 11 in the morning. 11 is prime time for a good time.
We can’t promise any queef relief, but we can promise you will feel as good as Steve.
Steve likes to get a head start on things, so instead of waiting for 11, he pops a tablet in right about 10:48 a.m. His wife is at work, their kids are at school, and Steve — a life-long burnout who’s working on his fourth family — needs to silence the torturous thoughts that parade in his noggin like a screamo concert in a floral shop.
About 12 minutes later Steve stands on top of his kitchen table, kicks over a bowl of aspartame, and announces to the cosmos: “Forget sadness. I’m high as shit!”
Talk therapy don’t work for all of us. That’s why we have drugs.
Blind Noon.
Start yer nooner today.
No, seriously. Stick that in your pipe … and smoke it.
Everything’s fine!
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Is vampire season wearing you down? Read Shopportunity! (Garlic) here.