Shame (Owning It)
I have something to tell you and it’s not good news.
It’s not good news and it’s something I wish never happened. I wish that for many reasons. Nevertheless, it did happen, and you should hear it from me.
I’m telling you this for two main reasons. The first is because I want to establish a relationship of honesty. I primarily concern myself with comedy and fiction — although, since I’m at the beginning of my social media career, I don’t know what direction I will ultimately end up.
There’s an element of trustworthiness I find with great comedians and fiction writers. Moreover, great people have an element of trustworthiness. And despite my failings and treachery, I still believe in the greatness of the human spirit.
The second reason I’m telling you this is because I refuse to be blackmailed. As of today, I am not being blackmailed. But there’s a chance of it. I see the buds and I’m here to nip em.
Folks, I pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic battery. I’m not going to tell you I didn’t do it. I did. It is exactly no one’s fault except my own.
I don’t blame drinking. I don’t blame drugs. I don’t blame the circumstances and I don’t blame anyone else. The things that lead to that incident don’t matter. What matters is how I acted and the serious emotional pain that I caused someone.
This was a few years ago. I have experienced deep life-changing shame for most of the time since then.
I completed my sentence without incident.
But it’s a scar. It’s a mark. It’s a wrong. I’m not looking to hide it or make excuses for it. I am, however, looking to tell you. You should know.
And now you do.