What’s Up, Future?
I’m writing this yesterday. What’s up, future?
Seriously, what’s up? Do we still have snacks in the future? We need snacks.
It’s Late
It’s not late-late. But it’s late enough for me to shower, wind down, and seriously consider pillow time.
But I still have some work to do.
And no one cares.
I don’t mean that in a sad way, or a bad way, or a negative way. I mean that in a realistic way. No one cares.
It was another 13-hour day today. I’m used to 13+-hour days. And?
No one cares.
I’m used to 16 hour days — working for someone else. (This time I’m not working for someone else.) Aaaaaaand?
No one cares.
That’s not a bad thing. No one should care.
Not the Whole Story
Now, that isn’t the whole story. It isn’t true that absolutely no one cares.
But on a large scale? True.
You have your own things to deal with. And me? We’re still getting to know each other.
Taking Over
In my other business, I have taken over a new territory this week. There is a lot to fix and a lot to learn.
On top of that, I added a new goal to this 30-day marketing segment.
What Is This 30-Day Marketing Segment?
It’s this.
Right now, it’s writing on Medium at least once a day Monday through Saturday. I do not have any exceptions here.
And yet!
I already screwed up in my first 30-day segment. I missed a day. I didn’t schedule a post correctly and I ended up missing a day.
My second 30-day segment ends 11.16. And you know what? I’m not going to miss a day this time — even if it means my posts are:
· Transparent
· Bad
· Not optimized
What’s more is:
I would rather make posts talking about making posts rather than not make a post.
You can say it’s quantity over quality, and sure. That’s right. That is exactly what’s happening here.
That’s not the correct lens.
The correct lens is one of relationship-building. It is one of consistency. Of discipline. Of practice.
Through quantity will come the quality. This isn’t a novel. This is online.
So Listen
So listen fuckers.
I’m going to eat. I’m going to bathe. And after that I’m going to use my golden ticket to Snoozeville.
You don’t have to care.
But one day, this momentum will be so great — so huge — so powerful — all the neighborhood cats will meow at me when I walk by.
Or something like that.
Swivels in, Swivels out.