Personal Development
Motivation = Feeling
Discipline = Action
I started writing on Medium Sept. 16, 2024. Why? Because I wanted to start in 2025. Starting in mid-Sept. gives me a 3.5-month head start.
In October, I turned a part-time gig into a full-time business. It’s a step in the right direction, I never want to be an employee again, but damn. The last 1.5 months have been kind of rough.
Today is Monday, December 30th. I’ve been sick since the day after Christmas and it hasn’t been fun.
Thankfully, I don’t get sick very often. Maybe once every 1.5 to 2 years. Which is great for most of the time. But awful for when it actually happens.
Friday morning I woke up and said to myself:
What have I done?!
I felt negative and grumbly.
The Truth Is
My Medium schedule is 6 days a week, Mon.-Sat. That’s the way it is at least until Sept. 16, 2025.
And the truth is, for that time, I would rather phone it in most days of the week than NOT put out a piece for those specified times. Because it’s about consistency.
And judging all these damn articles about “writing,” I think that’s a fine approach.
The other truth is, I do take some holidays off.
Like Christmas.
And New Year’s.
Which brings me to the point of this article, which is a bit of housekeeping.
A Bit of Housekeeping
While I will not publish anything for New Year’s Day, I will ALSO not publish anything for New Year’s Eve.
So That’s It
That’s all I have for you.
Swivels in, Swivels out.