More of That Crunch Time
I screwed myself.
No, not like that.
I felt ballsy last week. I made a post where I decided to go with a 6-day posting schedule.
I talked about how I keep 6 or 7 pieces ready to fire off.
And I do.
But the pieces I have? It doesn’t feel like the right time.
And right now, I am SWAMPED with a workload.
But in one of those forthcoming pieces I talk about how, when I started a podcast 10 years ago, I would be in a wildy different place. Even if I did a bad job. If I just didn’t give up.
So I’m keeping my word.
This post may not be worth a crap (it’s not) but it *is* a post.
And when I outlined the goals for my first month on Medium, my №1 mission is to establish a regular practice.
I have a regular practice of writing. Now I need a regular practice of posting.
So here it is.
Life’s good, even if I’m not always good at it.
Sappy Haturday.
Swivels in, Swivels out.